Lab Application

“Acceptance to The WP lab was one of the most critical events of my artistic and professional life so far. Truly Life changing. I can absolutely point to how my participation in the lab, the relationships, collaborations, resources, and introductions to the industry the Lab provided, have led directly to the position in the artistic community I now enjoy. The lab made a road for me that I could not have made on my own. It put me in community with people I adore and will know and work with for the rest of my career.”

-Tamilla Woodard, Director



WP Theater is looking for early to mid-career Women+ playwrights, directors, and producers, who crave an artistic home, a cohort of collaborators, professional support, and the resources to launch them into the next phase of their careers to apply to join the WP Lab. 

When we say Women+ we mean: cis women, trans, non-binary, or gender-nonconforming people and all gender identities which have been systematically oppressed throughout history in the theater and beyond

The Lab provides up to fifteen artists with community, a vital professional network, entrepreneurial and leadership skills, free rehearsal space, and, most significantly, tangible opportunities for the development of bold new work for the stage. Applications are currently closed. 

Is the WP Lab the right fit for you?

The WP Lab is for early to mid career theater professionals, who are eager to deepen their understanding of how to develop new work, using collaboration skills while also learning how to best leverage given resources.




The lab consists of two monthly meetings–one full Lab meeting for all three cohorts on the first Monday evening of the month, and a separate, discipline-specific meeting, usually on the second Monday of the month.  These meetings are mandatory, and attendance at all meetings is the optimum means  to get the most out of your Lab experience.

You will be given the full Lab meeting and Pipeline Festival schedule at the time of your interview, if you are selected.

Year One:

Participants will spend the first six months of the lab engaging in cohort- building activities to allow the artists to get to know one another as individuals and artistic practitioners, including collaboration work, skills-building, and career strategy sessions. It is imperative that participants prioritize attendance in these monthly lab meetings, as multiple absences will result in participants missing key building components that would prevent them from gaining the most from  the lab experience.

In the second half of the first year, we will sort the Lab into writer/director/producer pods, and devote significant time to building the bonds and collaborative skills within each pod.

Year Two/Pipeline Festival:

Each pod will spend the remainder of the lab developing a new work together that will culminate in  a showing in the Pipeline Festival reading series. The goal of the festival is to give producers, directors, and playwrights the collaborative tools to successfully develop new work in the theater industry. The resulting Pipeline Festival reading series will present this new work to New York audiences and industry professionals. The producers, in partnership with directors and writers, will shape the festival based on the artistic development needs of each project, with budgetary and in-house physical resources from WP, under the AEA 29 Hour Reading Guidelines.

If you have specific questions, please email wplab[at] after reading the Frequently Asked Questions section below. No phone calls, or emailed applications please.

Applications closed on May 3, 2024 at 11:59 EDT.



For further clarification of Requirements for Eligibility, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section below.


All materials will be reviewed by a panel of theater professionals. Finalists will be notified about interviews in the spring of 2024 with final decisions made in XXX. Interviews will be a mix of in-person and virtual. The 2024-2026 Lab will begin in October 2024 and conclude in May of 2026.  

For further clarification of materials required for application, please see the Frequently Asked Questions Section below.



Applications are closed.


What kind of conflicts would make me ineligible?

We accept that every artist will miss one or two meetings, but if you know now that you will be missing more than two meetings during the lab dates, you should not apply. Applicants should view the program as a two-year-long commitment. We will only accept applicants who can take full advantage of the program.

I’m not available for an in-person interview—may I still apply?

We will be conducting both in-person (as is safe) and virtual interviews. If you have a limited conflict in regards to attending bimonthly meetings, please make note of such conflicts in your application. We will try to accommodate such situations on a case-by-case basis.

When will the monthly meetings be held?

We will provide a schedule of meetings for finalists at the interview, so you need not worry about this question at the application stage.

If I am selected for the group and then my eligibility status changes, would I be automatically suspended from the program?

No, we will handle this situation on a case-by-case basis. Please do not let such a concern keep you from applying.

What kind of resume should I submit?

Your resume should list all readings, workshops or productions. Your resume should also include any other relevant theater experience.

If I can’t decide between two plays or have an additional writing sample that I am very proud of, may I include more than one play with my application?

No, we only read one play per applicant, so please only submit one writing sample. Submit the sample that you are the most excited to share with our readers.

May I send in music along with the book of my musical?

Please do, and give credit to the composer and lyricist.

Is there an age limit? Are you looking for young writers?

We ask that applicants be 21 and older, but beyond that, there is no age limit. We would be glad to admit a talented artist of any age into the program. The program is meant to support early and mid-career artists, but artists may begin their careers at any age.

Will you let me know that you received my application?

Yes, we will email you once we have processed your application.

May I follow-up with you about my application status?

Yes, please email wplab[at]

If I have had some contact with a WP staff member, would it be better to contact them directly with my question rather than write to wplab[at]

No, please write to wplab[at], but feel free to mention any contact with a WP staff member in your email.

Thank you for your interest in the WP Lab—we look forward to your application!