conceived and directed by Rebecca Martínez
created in collaboration with Jaisey Bates, Natalie Benally, Latrelle Bright, Siobhan Juanita Brown, Camryn Bruno, Sage Chanell, Christopher Darbassie, Jono Eiland, Brittany Grier, Jennifer Fok, Joaquin Lopez, Megan J. Minturn, Nikiko Masumoto, Joya Powell and Movement of the People Dance Company, Sara Sawicki, Madeline Sayet, Cherie B. Tay, Dr. Michelle Tom, Sigvanna Topkok, Edna Vazquez and Dina Vovsi.
Live Streaming Event January 28 - February 7
The Nourish Project explores the idea of how we feed ourselves. Using music, dance, and poetry curated through a framework of the five senses and four natural elements, The Nourish Project hosts a space for audiences to follow their curiosity and explore their own paths during the experience. The event hopes to offer replenishment for […]