Tuesday, July 13, 2021 | By | | Comment

Elizabeth Furman

(she/her) is a Brooklyn based administrator, production associate and dance artist who has been working with MBB&CO in a variety of roles since 2017! As an administrative and production assistant Elizabeth has supported Happy Hour, One Night Only, The Museum Workout, and The Running Show, both in NYC and on tour. As associate producer Elizabeth has supported the company’s site specific work Days Go By, and digital shows Keep Moving, and It’s 3:07 Again. Elizabeth loves bringing the company’s work to new audiences be them near, far, or via the computer screen. As a performer Elizabeth creates worlds for distinct characters to inhabit. Her collaboration “once she lived on a 4th floor walkup” was part of the 2018 All Over Westbeth Site Specific Festival. Elizabeth holds a BA in Dance and English from Kenyon College.